Give thanks with a grateful heart.

"Thankfulness." Give thanks with a grateful heart.  Spreading the Light of Jesus Christ.

Thankfulness, Give thanks with a grateful heart – By Brittany Bragg

Psalm 100:4

Give thanks with a grateful heart, even for the small things in life we should be truly thankful for. Basically, all that GOD blesses us with. No matter how puny or enormous.

Watch video here.

Watch Brittany’s previous view:

Father’s Comments:

Psalms 101, Give thanks with a grateful heart, gives us reasons to extort God in worship and praise.  Give thanks with a grateful heart. We need to rejoice in him and all the things he has done for us here on earth.  This verse should be considered a song of praise to be used as a prayer and meditation for some.  

For soon the time and the place will be known as the Lord reveals himself to us as He walks here on earth again.  We will become worshipers and glorify His most holiness. We are like sheep to Him and He is our shepherd. He encourages us, He tells us where to go, and we all get lost without Him leading us in our trials and tribulations. 

"worshiping"  Give thanks with a grateful heart  Spreading the Light of Jesus Christ.

We need to cheerfully worship God and allow our wandering to subside and follow His lead.  There are many abundant praises and blessings; we should praise Him and give Him thanks for everything He does for His glory and for us. 

The praises as we sing them should motivate us to follow His path, as a blessings coming forth as we praise and honor him. Do not be afraid to move in close with your heart towards Him.  Move inward become serious in your worship and have the solitude knowing that He is there to protect and guide us. 

"Rainbow Promise"   Give thanks with a grateful heart  Spreading the Light of Jesus Christ.

There are so many rich promises He has given to us and the many circumstances and trials that strengthen our love and faith for Him.  Do not be weak pray, pray, pray, and receive the riches of His blessings. Share your blessings with other people as He is the only true provider to all of our needs. 

Never lose sight of all the reasons we are to praise Him. Look at His goodness and His mercy and realize you are a sinner and without Him you should perish forever. Look in his word for comfort, guidance, and pray for His comfort and guidance.

"Read the Bible"   Spreading the Light of Jesus Christ.

All of these will come to you as you continue or begin your path with the most Holy One.

~Blessings to you.

Give thanks with a grateful heart.

Original Artist Notes:

3rd Art Piece
The theme of this picture is
what I am thankful for.
I am thankful for what JESUS did for
the world and for me.
I am thankful for…
•The hot and cold running water
• Our church VVAG
• A house and a roof over my head
• My family
• The food I eat
• The socks on my feet
• My eyesight
• The warm sun
• Friendship
• A warm and comfy bed to sleep in
• My workshop day program @ Exceed
• My clothes I wear
• The lovely vacations i go on
• Communion at church
• The blood that was shed and the whips JESUS went through
• The beautiful flowers God created
• I am thankful for The Bible

When we look at all the God gives
us dude we need to be nothing but
genuinely thankful. If not then go
to the philippines or some place that
truly has less.
~Brittany Bragg

Artist original notes. Spreading the Light of Jesus Christ.

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